Monday, July 24, 2006

"Readers' Theater" Rehearsal

Miranda [in tower] and Scott [narrating]

Mrs. Marie, Alejandro, and Miranda

Alejandro, Miranda [LOL], and Julie peeking out

Alejandro ["Rapuuuuuunzel!"], Miranda, Julie, and Scott

Alejandro ["hmm..] and Julie again

Alejandro and Julie
Miranda [with Julie at far left]


One Summer Day at the Library...

Here's just some pictures that I took one day.
I'll see about adding the names of people whom I didn't put on here later.
Me! [Cat]
[Alejandro took this one.]

Alejandro reading a lovely book
Mrs. Marie and Brooke Cat

Movie Night! [Pirates of the Carribean]

Lots of know who you are.
[Although, you should know that I'm in all three. :-) ]
I'll post more later.
(If you click on any individual picture, it will get bigger.)